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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

making something happen is more difficult than saying it

yeah, its been a almost two weeks since I post my last entry. Urmm, I've been busy for the whole weeks coz' of the assignment, mid-term and lots of trouble that keep coming to me. That's sucks man. And now, I try to arrange my time perfectly, spend it wisely till 22 November, it's my final exam laaa. Hahahaha.

Firstly, I'm really tired and my face had already show the symptom of stress, it's my PIMPLE la, I hate it. I had to stay in my room and do boring things, I was also suffering from flu and cough. Lols, why they all want to come in one time? But, I've recovered from flu and still had a cough. Lols, what am I typing here. Actually, I have no idea on what I want to type now because my hand is really into this fucking keyboard while my head is flying away, Idk where, but it's kinda fun here. Hahaha.

Yeah, my love text me and she ask if I had my free time tomorrow to watch movie with her. I have to because I love her, ahah, simple kan? I wish I could be with her till..I don't know, but what I know is she is the first woman that I love had passed the 3months qualification and I'm in love with her for almost 7months, I guess :) Sayang, nanti u kire la bape hari k? haha :D

p/s ; I'm blank for 5minute, wtf man, could u asshole please don't bother my life. Baru je aku nak rilek ade je suara2 bangang kuar kat tepi telinga ni. Bullshit doe. Fuck u all!

Friday, October 15, 2010

He said it again, Mr. Morgan

Yeahh, seperti yang diketahui oleh classmate aku. Hahah, korang kompem lah taktau sape Mr. Morgan ni. Aku pernah masukkan name die kat entry aku yang past. Ok.

Dia ni memang suka nak berborak dulu dalam 30-45minit time lecture. Hahah, semua cerita untuk motivate student dia sampai la cerita hulu sungai, semua ada. Tapi banyak yang membina la. Bukan cerita kosong. Hahah, dia ni memang suka buat lawak dengan bentuk badan yang bulat dan comel (kata "segelintir" pelajar) ahaha, dia ni suka menggayakan sambil bercerita. Budak marketing cakap , "body language" laa. Hahaha. Tapi sumpah, aku paling jarang tidur kelas dia sebab kalau tak dengar ceramah dia, rasa cam rugi, sebab semua yang dia cerita based on true story. Jadi, buatpe aku nak ambil masa lama untuk merasai pengalaman, asalkan dapat dengar dari org yang lebih tua, dah menambah experience hidup ni. Bagi aku camtu la, tak tau la korang camne en.

Ahah, kata Mr. M lagi, hahah, spesel skit la :), hidup ni kena la disiplin, klau tak macam mane nak survive and berjaya. Betul memang betul, tapi aku rasa sangsi macam mana orang jahah boleh berjaya dan kaya? Kann? hahhaa.

Kata Mr. M lagi, katanyeeeeee, hahahha, "Before I officially die, lepas tu bla bla bla". Tak juga keluar penutup quotes tu. Hahahha. Letih letih :)

Takpe, aku nak mandi dulu ni, panas nak mandi. Aku nak mandi, mandi, korang pun mandi la. Jum mandi. hahah. Mandiiiii.

Drink and Drive or Stone and Fly.

Please answer the following question based on your research.

i. They both makes us lose control. They both also illegal. Ahah, so what is the difference?

Hahah, tu soalan cepumas untuk hari ni. Asyik-asyik aku je menulis untuk korang, ape kate korang pula menulis untuk aku. Kan senang. Haha.

p/s : pening kepala sebab tak dapat google RRM & RAM for Project Management. Cettt

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ayam mati kena langgar? Kisahhh...

Ahah, aku taktau apa dah jadi dengan budak-budak sekolah rendah sekarang ni. Tadi time aku baru balik dari kolej, ngam-ngam nak masuk simpang rumah aku, aku nampak sekumpulan budak-budak dalam umur 8-11 nak melintas jalan besar. Perghh, punya la laju kereta-kereta semua. Then, ada la kereta yang tengah tunggu traffic light nak hijau pun tengok sekali budak-budak ni. Hahaha, sambil dorang tunggu nak hijau, sempat lagi marah budak-budak tu. Mane tak nye, lagi sikit je ada sorang budak ni nak kena langgar dengan kereta. Aku pun cuak tengok tadi.

Haha, pengajaran dia, kepada ibubapa semua, perhatikan anak-anak kecil anda. Mungkin dulu kes kena culik dengan orang dan tau-tau dah mati. Tapi sekarang, mati kena langgar kereta pula. Dah menyusahkan yang tukang langgar dan diri sendiri kan? ahaha.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

World smallest violin.

This word keep spinning around my head. I'm feelling stoneee. I'm dying to Paleo. Did you ever heard of a small boy had grown up to be a big boss before? Yeah, I'm born to be like this, I'm born to do what I suppose to do. Not, by following your ass mtfk propaganda.

It is when one day you had find your path wether its right or wrong, you have to follow what it says and fulfill it. Don't get control by it, because we are the one who make it.

im writing this while eating rempeyek, haha. so, tak boleh fokus. sedap sangat :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let our life settle the things we can't do

Ahaha, this girl just approve me on facebook. One thing I like about her is, she have a really pretty and classic picture. It's kinda make me feel happy and a lil bit shocked. I don't know, I like that type of picture so much :) Haha.

This one also impress me with the paper stick on her guitar, "Be a voice, not an echo". Yeah, we must be someone that people will follow and respect of.

And today, as my friend quoted this, "If she can't ride a bus with me, then she is not eligible to ride a limo with me". I think this word is really suitable to those who are so materialistic. Thanks to Oprah Show.

p/s ; Glory your life with love :D

Would you ever think about this?

"Remember, what you earn either its legal or illegal, you must know, that it will make someone you love feel happier" said by Eq MF when he's stone.

"Mesti layan customer baik-baik, lepas tu "down"kan diorang kejap, next trip bagi berbunga-bunga balik" -- by Eq MF.

"When you do it, are you ready for result?" -- by Eq MF.

"Nice shit, never come easily"

p/s ; Ko impress aku bro. Nice~~

Monday, October 4, 2010

Insomnia lagi kah aku kalau begini?

Cerita yang mengguris hati ni bermula disini. Semalam aku tidur awal, pukul 12.30am, untuk bersedia dengan lebih bertenaga pada hari ini di dalam kelas. Tapi, aku rasa bila dah masuk kelas, aku jadi mengantuk balik. Lagi-lagi kelas MOT(Managing of Tech) oleh Mr. Sobri. Perghh, dia punya mengantuk memang tak ingat dunia. Puas aku tahan, last-last aku kalah gak. Haha, punya la sedap tidur depan-depan menghadap lecturer aku. Dia tak kacau pula tu, tapi member yang belah kiri, kanan dan belakang pula yang gatal tangan. Cehh, tak reti tengok orang senang langsung. :)

Habis je kelas MOT ni, terus sambung kelas Financial Management. Kelas ni memang faveret la sebab Miss Wahida yang ajar. Segarang-garang dia, tapi aku still suka nak sakat, sebab suka tengok muka dia marah sambil menyampah. Hahaha, tak pasal-pasal kena cop annoying tadi, tapi takpe, aku ok je :) Hahah. Sumpah naik bengang gak la aku pasal subject ni formula bersepah nak mampus. Aku course marketing laaa, bukan amek ACCA atau CAT ntah ape bende tah. Aiyoo, terus aku tanye, "Miss, lepas dapat diploma, boleh tak saya nak jadi accountant dengan nada menyindir plus menyampah", dengan selambe dia jawab, "ouhhh, boleh, amek la ujian dulu". Hahah, aku pelik jap, adakah cara aku bertanye nampak macam aku minat? Hahaha. sorry miss, jangan marah :DD

Sehabis-habis kelas ni je, terus aku blah laju-laju balik rumah, dah mengantuk, lapar lagi. Haha, then aku pun pergila makan kat kedai mamak sorang-sorang. Sedih doe, takde orang temankan. Huhuhu.

Berbalik pada cerita insomnia, aku ni memang susah nak tidur malam. Jadi kalau aku dapat tidur dalam pukul 12mlm tu dah boleh buat kenduri makan-makan dah kat rumah. Hahah. Korang macam mana pula? Ada yang menghidap gejala insomnia macam aku juga ke?

p/s ; kalau korang perasan, aku selalu lari topik. Haha. Kebebasan berkarya Izad ckp :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Don't Wanna Talk About It

For the whole day, I've been playing this song with guitar. It really touched my heart. For me, playing guitar is another way to express my feelings about love or my life. I really enjoy playing it and I'd love to write my own song. It started years ago when I lived with my uncle in Sabah. There, I've learned to play guitar with him and my cousin. Seriously, until now, it's been one and half year I play it and most of the time I've learned it through ultimateguitar.com. Trust me, if you are determined to do something, you'll get the best result from it. This is the song I've been playing. Google it on youtube if you never heard it before :)

I can tell by your eyes that you've prob'bly been cryin' forever,
and the stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror.
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
If I stay here just a little bit longer,
If I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?

If I stand all alone, will the shadow hide the color of my heart;
blue for the tears, black for the night's fears.
The star in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror.
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
If I stay here just a little bit longer,
if I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, my heart?
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke this my heart.

If I stay here just a little bit longer,
if I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?
My heart, whoa, heart. by Rod Stewart

word an advice from me, live your life for something.

Game : Part II

Pernahkah anda bermain Nintendo Wii? Haaa, cerita dia macam ni, punya la sedap aku tengah tidur dekat ruang tamu. Tiba-tiba aku nampak kawan aku tengah syok menari macam orang gila depan tv. Haha, rupanya dia main Wii yang dia baru beli tak sampai satu hari, aku ni pun apa lagi, elok-elok tidur terus bangun and que belakang dia. Hahahahhaha. Main punya main punya main punya main, baru sedar badan ni dah sakit- sakit. Korang bayangkan, aku ikut menari cam orang gila, pastu aku main game boxing, pukul angin la jawabnya. Last-last, sengal-sengal tulang aku dapat, menang tak juga. Cehhh :)

Tetiba, tengah syok rehat, nampak pula CD game Naruto. Haaa, aku dah dapat bayangkan dah macam mana nak main, siap buat gerak jari yang ala-ala nak buat jutsu bayang la apa la. Hahah, sangkut la juga dekat dua jam main Naruto. Akibatnya, nak baring susah, nak duduk sakit. Sebab badan makin sengalllll. Bengong, terus terang aku cakap main Wii boleh menurunkan kalori dan lemak anda dalam masa dua minggu. Dan kepada korang yang ada masalah obesiti, sila-sila lah beli Wii ya. Hahah. Pastu jangan lupa ajak aku lawan tenis. Hahah :)

Lagi satu, aku paranoid betul kalau aku tengah drive kereta or aku duduk sebelah driver, tiba-tiba ada lah kereta entah dari simpang mana tetiba nak u-turn, tak pun ada kereta nak potong rapat-rapat, tak pun ada yang bawa melayang-layang. Memang aku paranoid and rasa macam nak pukul pakai buah durian pun ada. Bergegar jantung beb, korang pun tau kan aku ni belum kahwin. Tukar pampers budak pun belum rasa lagi, jadi janganlah bawa kereta macam haramjadah. Mana tau aku ada sakit jantung, tak pepasal makan pakai straw 10 hari. Cettt.

Pesanan kepada pemandu kereta di luar sana, bawa lah kereta berhati-hati supaya korang tak membahayakan nyawa pemandu lain.

p/s ; aku sendiri pun bawa laju cam pundek. hahaha

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pornstyle of The Year

Yeah, there's been so many football player being talk with whores right now. eveen CR7, John Terry, Tiger Wood, Roslin Hasyim. oops, are they a footballers. hahahhaha. Being happy with all my friends is the last wish before I die. That's all i want it since i was like still in my moms stomach. hahaha.

Why when I post a new entry, this fucking song will play it. (You can take my heart). Ntah ape-ape lahh. :) Ni la kalau susah nak tidur. So, how about you you be like me, i bet u will be a good writer like me. Hahahaha.

p/s ; Sucks, im flying. Byebye my beloved friends :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Game : Symphony in D Major

Have you ever read a love book? Have you ever study any love book or any kind of it? Well, I am. I had finished The Mystery Method and now I'm still reading The Game by Neil Strauss. Trust me, it teach you how to "pick-up" a girl step by step and flirt with them. Ahah. I've been reading it since last year and it is really interesting. The book is written by a guy who have so many experience on how to get a girl easily. Haha.

Not much, I already try it to random girl with my friends, and trust me, its effective. Haha. And now, I'm re-examine that book again. Hahaha, it's fun to get a girl you want and then you left them when you are boring. Do you think I'm bad? You're wrong, coz all the things that I do, I do it on purpose. Maybe I do it for my experience, maybe I do it for someone who is challenging me or maybe I'm doing it coz it's fun. Dont blame me, blame those mtfk who always think that they are good and they think they should be revere. Nevermind. :)

Shut the hell up of us! Think slowly, think why the world has change like this? Why a man like me is still exist and keep breaking a heart? The answer is, you should ask yourself back why you were here? Haha, then you'll realize how easy it will be. Actually, I'm not posting about a fucking emo entry. I hate emo. It's just I love to share my thought with you guys. It's fun to write, to let go what yourself suppose to be and to let people know what is this world about.

Why do I have to write like this? Why do I have to say what you think is not good? It's because, this blog is Written and Directed by me. I'm planning for what I want to do and it seems like it goes smooth and clear here. Hahaha.

p/s ; Life is a Game. Are you ready for it?

Time : Symphony Part II

Haha, "petang ni rumah aku openhouse, semua dijemput hadir", :)).

Its a spontaneous word that come from me when i heard that Morgan class is cancel. He had a fever and it means we are getting happier :). Im sorry sir :D. Actually, his class is not boring or what, but he rarely cancel his class and that's why we are super duper happy rite now. Wooohuuuu.

Ouh, its about Time right? After all that I see on what I do everyday, I noticed that I spend a lot of free time hanging with friend, FB'ing, blogging and so on. Hahaha, and you know what? It is really enjoying and I'd love to spend more. I wish that I had money without going to work. Hahah, "oh God, please give me lots of money because I want to spend it all for my friends, please God, I'm making my friends happier". Ahahah.

Btw, after returning from college, I immediately went to my friend's house while waiting for the rain to stop. Haha, we are talking on how to get girls and hook up with them. We also gossiping about the girls at the college and who is their boyfriend :). To girl out there, lelaki pun tau ber"gosip" laaa. Hahah. You are lucky if your name were not mention by us. Hahaha.

Actually, all I want to say is, my time is really free right now. But not my assignment, i had a lots of things to finish and yesterday, when I was sleeping, my friend text me and said, "Ell, ko kena lantik jadi AJK Promosi untuk Karnival Sukan Rakyat, hahah". Wtf is that, do I look like I'm someone at the supermarket selling a new product or a salesman that keep knocking your door? Ahah, but nevermind, I'll try my best to do this project. This is a part of our final assignment for this Sem plus I got bonus mark for taking this place :) Hahahah.

p/s ; letih la write panjang-panjang, korang bukan bace pun. Btw, mane ade openhouse. Tandas renovate abis ngan dapur sekali rabak. Haha

Sober : Symphony Part I

This is what happen when I'm really sober. I don't even know what to write. The adrenaline inside my body is really slow right now and its making me confused on what to post tonite. Seriously, im dead bored and i don't even feel sleepy yet. Let me tell you guys something, something you may not understand. But trust me, this shit is really true and it happens to me.

1stly, "sober" is a term in which you'll experience it after you are having an "organic" shit which only certain people know what I'm talking about right now. Lols :)). I'm in this condition now and it means the adrenaline inside me is really slow compare to when I'm with Mary Jane. For those who didn't know 'what' is Mary Jane, (I'm using 'what' not 'who'), forget about it.

Ok, we make it simple. For what that I had experienced before, when I'm with my sweet "Mary Jane", i feel like this world is really slow. There is only me and "her". That is the perfect time for me to think about the whole world, the democracy and all the mtfk entertainment that keep on influencing our "modal insan", i thought so. Ahhh, I'm out of topic again. Hahaha.

Nvm, all i want to said is, I hate being sober. That's all. Gantung doeeee! Hahah